Thursday 16 June 2011

Take That Live at the Millenium Stadium, Cardiff 14th June 2011

You may or may not know that here at Win of the Week we're all pretty big fans of the Take That album Progress. Recently, I had the opportunity to see Take That live at Cardiff and promised Tom a write up. It's long, just under 3000 words in fact, so I've included a break so as not to clog up the page, but I'd appreciate any feedback anyone might have. --Billy

If you follow pop music with any level of relevancy you'll remember the heralded reunion of Take That as a quartet back in 2006. They followed up their first effort of the decade two years later with their critically acclaimed album The Circus and even if that title was only in reference to the 12 or so tracks which that album comprised of it's an apt description of what's still in store for you if you get to see Take That Live: A circus, of tremendous proportions, and nothing less. The displays on offer range from ridiculous to flat out over-the-top, sometimes in a slightly derivative manner, but don't take that to be a bad thing. Whenever an idea you see on stage has been used before, the band have clearly spent some time tweaking it to make it even more outrageous than it could have been before and ridiculous and over-the-top might be the highest compliments you could pay to a stage-show that spends so much time and effort trying to utterly boggle as many of your senses as possible.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's worth remembering that not only is this the new and improved Take That of 2006, it's the new and improved Take That quintet thanks to the re-inclusion of all-round entertainer Robbie Williams, joining the band for the first time in 15 years.
Understandably, you might anticipate a few awkward glances from time to time but all of the lads seem genuine, even when Robbie decides to throw the audience for a loop ("I didn't leave, Jason, you were in the room when I was fired. You were the one that fired me," pause for nervous laughter, "Awww, come on, where's my big love, Jase!" followed by a warm embrace.)
Naturally, with this being the first tour featuring all five in 15 years it allows for some interesting formatting for a show...
And by interesting formatting, I do of course mean "THERE'S A GIANT BEHIND YOU, JASON!"

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Katy perry - Last Friday night MUSIC VIDEO (By ellie moss)

Hey everyone!
So whats the new obsession of the internet this weeeeek!
Kathy Beth Terry, Katy Perry’s alter ego!
For all of you who don’t know who this is, its part of the theme for the new song and video Katy Perry has just released called ‘Last Friday Night’.
Kathy Beth Terry is a geeky teenager with braces that would blind a magpie and glasses even worse than Deidre Barlow and Elton john put together! But somehow, she turns out quite cute! Being a HUGE Katy Perry fan myself, I LOVE the song and the video and everything about it, Shes never afraid to look ugly or perform and show a gruesome side. She knows she can be sexy but she also knows how to have a good time, thats one thing i Love about her! Even when she gets her makeover she keeps her braces and doesn’t look as beautiful as she could, which really makes the point of the video and isn’t predicable! I cant wait to see what she comes up with when I see her in November, eek :D
This is a FANTASTIC  song for a night out, it really gets the crowd going whether your getting ready with girls in your bedroom or hitting the hottest clubs in town. She  really knows how to get you partying like there’s no tomorrow!
I just watched the video for the first time, and noticed it has an appearance from Rebecca Black in it, which is pretty cool for her standards seeing as she released that stupid repetitive piece of crap which was ‘FRIDAY, FRIDAY... BLAH BLAH BLAH FRIDAY’ I mean seriously, whoever could keep that on for long enough deserves a gold medal, if you just plain liked it, then tell someone, coz your CRAZY! Starring in Katy Perry’s Video, lucky girl, thought she would have been shot by now not starring in a mega stars music video!
Anywaysss the video is very fun, however the end of it with the parents bit and the talking about all sorts of stuff is pure cringe, it lasts too long to entertain and you just want to turn the video off at this point, songs over. Done. Finito. JUST TURN IT OFF AT THIS POINT! However I do love the whole movie retro feel about it, that does make the video very different to others shes done in the past!
But overall, this song will be one of the top 10 on my playlist this summmerrrr... DJ TURN IT UPPPP!
Ellie Moss

Tuesday 7 June 2011

The Hangover part 2 (2011) Review!

Oh you lucky things... another review.. but not from me... but someone special to me. Hope you all like it like i did! :)

Ok, So Mr Dunning has asked me to write a review. I’m the girlfriend, well the fiancĂ©e, and I’d just like to tell you first of all, I’ve never written a review in my life! The reason I’m doing this is because Mr Dunning cannot be bothered to get off his back side and see the damn movie so he’s left it to me. [ Thanks babe ]
Now I’ll admit, I watched this online, so I probably can’t even give the best review on it, but I got the gist of it, so let’s see how this goes.

Well, I watched The Hangover 2, I think it’s fair to say that I was pretty excited when this film was released but have been working nonstop and been unable to get to the movies in the USA so have had to resort to watching it online at . I was hoping the movie would be totally amazing, after watching the first one and loving it so much I actually went to the cinema to see it three times then begged everyone to get it me for christmas the following year and received it as a present three times! But I was slightly disappointed, not from the film itself, but from the lack of imagination that the writers had during the making of this movie.

To be honest, if you hadn’t seen the first one, you would probably rate this a good movie, but because you’ve seen the first one, it raises the expectations slightly higher to what a usual movie viewing would be. I started watching, and it’s exactly the same effects at the beginning as the first movie, same story line, same song, same genre, just basically the same film, and yet again like the first it takes a while to get into the actual storyline and there’s a lot of messing around at the beginning. The effects are good and the acting is still brilliant. Zack Galifianakis is amazing yet again, as is Ed Helms, the others are good but not as good as the first movie.

 The storyline is quite predictable in places with references to the first movie being shown over and over again. To be honest, I think a fair review of the film would be to say that it was the same stuff, still funny but not very different from the first. Different people, same situation. Different location, Same Problems.  Overall, the film was enjoyable, and i would watch it again and definitely recommend it to others though I would say don’t get your hopes up too much. There are some very funny moments in the movie and it’s a good laugh.
Hopefully you’ll find this a fair review, if not then sorry it’s not good enough, probably going to get tom to look over this first anyway and make sure it’s okay. Not done one before. If you don’t see another one by me, you know why.. Peace out.

Ellie moss

Monday 6 June 2011

Google Chrome Advert (UK) - Dear Hollie

Okay its been a while, My bad but my holidays were calling! Now i'm back... Lets get the ball rolling once more.

I came across the most AWESOME advert for Google chrome on out TV in the UK in the form of Dear Hollie.
I say awesome because, well it just left me in awe and gave me that fuzzy warm feeling of "Nawwwwwwwww"
Its follows the girls [Hollie] life and the character is literately sending the daughter emails in the mile stones of the child's life.

The musical score is the same old prolific piano score which is in basically ALL of their adverts, but this one it just works. Usually im one to think... "Oh, brilliant... :/ " but i don't know, it just applies the cuteness in multiple layers and gels readily together like resin and hardener.

The twist in the end gives the nice warm feeling inside and, well its hard to explain, its just an awe-spiring peice of video. check it  out!

Okay so podcast.... end of this week :P

Have a great week people and the podcast will be up soon!

Saturday 21 May 2011


All you guys might not know this but i'm an active BZZAGENT. this is where we can product test products from a company and we give our opinion on the products, However its hype free :)
picture from here

So i've been given the task of testing Benecol products. i got given some coupons for 75p off their products and also a free one for anything i wanted. i decided to use the voucher on the Light spreadable butter pack. 

Value for money i have to give it 1 of 5 because of the £3.50 price tag, however. i've been using it a few days and the food is so much more tastier and i do feel much better for using their products.

Taste has to be 4 of 5.
I believed until I tried this product I thought, urghhh butter which is healthy, this is going to be rancid. i was pleasantly surprised that the texture and the taster we in fact better!

Packaging 5 of 5. end of.

The packaging is eye catching and nice to look at, very nice colour scheme and details what the product can do to your body with correct use. 

I have 2 more vouchers so people near me can have the benefits of having 75p off any Benecol product which is scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol and reduce the change of heart disease! so a win win situation :)

Thursday 19 May 2011

PODCAST!! 19th May 2011!!

ITS HERE!!! Latest episode from my self, the resident mr. gill and the Special guest of Josh "Joakes" Oakes
We discuse a mitlitude of things in this episode even moving onto MOVIE NEWS!!!!

Check this space for more updates... seriously... Please do :( you wont regret it :D



Oh yeah, and these as well

Thats right. hold tight... its another exciting show of THE WIN OF THE WEEK.
We have some fun old stuff to talk about tonight, would let you know but we dont know our selfs!!

Also another exciting voyage for the win of week..... TO BE ANNONCED TONIGHT!

BEsure to download your free copy tonight!!