Saturday 30 April 2011

Portal 2! Oh GLaDOS would be proud.... *SPOILERS - Dont say i warned ya!*

After playing "Homefront", i really needed to get my self out of the infamous video game rut. What better to do that than what i've been raving about for the past month... But portal 2.

I started talking to The ever popular Billy Gill about how this were to link into Portal 1 seeing as "Chell" was left to die as the screen left to blank while large parts of the Aperture laboratories. If you were to buy the first one off steam now, the endings changed, You get pulled back into the lab by an unknown robotic sound. THIS BLEW MY MIND!! for this reason i love Valve. They just seem to have that attention to detail that No other game company seem to have. That extra forcefulness to iron out the impurity even if it is just a few second clip.

So, right the game. Until I immediately started to play, I stood by the fact of "If its not broken, don't fix it." for valves sake, Ill happily stand that to the side. The graphics developed form the 2007 release to the now 2011 release, the graphical improvement is 10 fold! I was blown away taking my few steps and somehow they just seamed to be getting better throughout the game, I think its just the attention to detail in which is placed into everything, The ominous scenery, the nerving sounds and the intense environment you get placed in shortly after "WHEATLY" (Stephen Merchant) wakes you up.

While were on the subject of "Wheatly", He has to be the best character in a video game for the past few years. The witty, clever humour of Stephen merchant and the changeability of a Crazed GLaDOS makes this game just that even more comfortable and humours. Also to add, The award for best Actor to play a character in a video game for a while goes to Stephen Merchant <3

So going through the game, we see the true destruction of the aperture science test chambers as we delve deaper into the heart with your trusty side kick Wheatly. So the test go past and then the tides turn for the worst, eventually you end up falling to the very bottom of the humongous facility. This is, for me, where the game makes it amazing. We discover through the ages of the ancient tests in which CAVE JOHNSON guides you through. Decorated with the old propaganda style posters and the contrast of colours and little details shows you and guides you through the years of Aperture's existence and the unfortunate downfall of Cave Johnson (JK Simmons). 

So basicly, the only downside of this game which to me was near-perfect is that of a fundamental Glitch.
If your lucky, you'll get a glitch which will ruin this game. (MASSIVE SPOILER!) as you raise to meet a crazed wheatly you'll get to see that he mentions ways to defend himself in the next 5 minuets of fighting. Well, At this point he should fire bombs at you. on my game, He didn't. you just fanny around for 5 mins and then drop to the floor in tour poison induced death.

(Video on my Youtube page! search thewinoftheweek)

Overall i'm going to give this game a 9 of 10. The best game i've played by far! Please, i beg you. Drop Black ops, Pick up your copy of Portal 2!

Next time what am i going to have a look at? Here a hint!

"Play Well" boys n girls!

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